Effortless Business Growth For The Flooring Industry

We'll Help Your Flooring Businesses Grow Fast Without The High Agency Fee's

Done FOR You Marketing Campaigns Guaranteed To Produce Fast Results

Book A Free Consultation

Get A Plan

Enjoy The Results

Watch The Class

Get A Plan

Enjoy The Results

How Much Is Inconsistent Revenue Costing You?

Not having a dependable system in place for sales and growth means your business cannot scale and increase revenue....

  • Worried about money, all the time

  • Spending less time with family

  • Afraid to hire new staff

  • fear of failing your loved ones

  • strain from operational stress

  • Feeling pressure to succeed

We start our businesses because we want to be in control of our money and gain more free time. Most business owners are great at making their customers happy but they don't know how to create a consistent stream of dependable revenue. Instead, the business goes through an endless cycle of "feast or famine". That's frustrating and stressful. Watch the free on-demand class and discover how to finally get the stable success you deserve

get a measurable increase in sales in the next 30 days (And then put that momentum on autopilot.)

stop risking money on ads

If you have a database of prospects or existing customers, there's a great chance you can get an impressive surge of immediate sales, just by sending a marketing campaign to them. Getting your campaign in front of these prospects is a great value and low cost alternative to paid advertising. We do love ads as a business strategy to grow fast, but it isn't always the right strategy for all flooring businesses and other factors need to be optimised first.

We'll Provide Everything You Need

We will design and implement a marketing system for your business, so you can concentrate on what you do best, which is keeping your customers happy and delivering your service. We will determine your business requirements and only provide what you need to grow depending on your business goals.

Immediate Revenue

Our aim is to generate a surge of measurable revenue within 30-60 days or less. We will audit your current website and Google Business Profile and ensure they are optimised. If you have current stream of traffic to your online assets but they are not converting, we can turn these into leads.

Here's What To Do Next

Step 1: Book Discovery Call

During our video discovery call we will discuss your business in detail and show you the various features and benefits of Flooring Connect Pro. We will be able to see if we are a good fit to work together on marketing your business.

Step 2: Get The Plan

We will now be able to identify your business marketing needs and put together a plan of action. We will only recommend a plan if we truly believe it's a good fit for your business. Why pay for features that are not needed?

Step 3: Watch Sales Grow

Flooring Connect Pro will accelerate your lead generation. It will Seamlessly nurture your leads with templated, automated follow-ups and drive prospects to high converting webpages & funnels effortlessly, making scaling your business so easy..

It seems like everyone promises the moon.

How do you know this will really be different?

We understand that you want your business to be well known, respected, and successful.

In order to achieve that, you require a dependable way to get new leads and turn them into customers on a consistent basis.

The problem is that whilst most businesses are fantastic at delivering their service to their happy customers, nobody really shows you how to generate new customers in a way that's not overly expensive and also dependable.

Paid advertising can be expensive, especially when using a traditional agency that charges you thousands of pounds as a service fee and then sends you un-qualified leads that you end up wasting your time on.

Many businesses hope for referrals and they are great, being the cheapest and easiest method of finding new customers, but hope is not a strategy and referrals will be inconsistent.

Plus, many business owners simply do not have enough hours in the day to focus on generating new sales, whilst you are already working hard enough just running the day-to-day operations.

All of this can make you feel overwhelmed. And let's face it, "slow months" can be downright scary and stressful.

We understand that as a business owner, you are truly part of the very backbone of our society.

Think about it. Business owners are the ones who come up with new products and news ways to solve problems.

Business owners are the ones who provide the jobs.

Business owners are the ones who pay the highest taxes.

And that's why we believe you deserve to have the success and recognition you want.

You're the one that works the longest hours and takes the most risks. So, you are the one that deserves the highest reward.

But marketing your business can be overwhelming, complicated and expensive.

And much of the time the marketing strategy that appears great on paper, will end up leaving you with nothing but a big hole in your pocket.

This is why it has taken me personally over 30 years in a sales and marketing capacity in this industry, discovering what works best.... and then using that insight to bring you simple done-for-you marketing systems that are much lower cost to deploy and proven to work.

Here's what to do next.

First watch the free, on-demand class.

This will give you some ideas on how to generate immediate revenue in your business whether you choose to work with us or not.

It will also give you an idea of how we can help you and specific ways we bring in revenue for clients.

If you enjoy that class, it will tell you what to do next should you want to explore working together.

But regardless of whether or not we work together, this class will definitely help you.

So press the red button below and tell us where to send it?

Who Are We?

Meet Wayne Phipps

After working for over 30 years in the flooring and tiling industry in various technical and sales roles, in 2023 I decided that I would use all my experience in this market to help grow flooring businesses.

I have spent most of 2023 learning the most comprehensive marketing strategies available from some of the biggest names in marketing, to be able to help you grow your business, without having to spend the big bucks normally associated with traditional marketing agencies.

  • Over 30 years experience in the industry

  • Making digital marketing available to all

  • Free consultations and strategy session

  • We only work with businesses we believe we can help

  • No pushy sales tactics

Why does my flooring business need this?


  • No website or lead conversions from website

  • No predictable business growth, relying on referrals

  • Low social media engagement

  • No lead nurturing to convert warm leads

  • Neglected online reputation, lack of reviews

  • Included website, conversion forms & webchat

  • Facebook Lead ads give predictable growth

  • Strategic Content Plan Boosts Interaction

  • Automated SMS and email campaigns nurture leads

  • Review management system, improves online trust

Keep Connected To Your Business On The Move

With our included app

The mobile app includes......

  • Universal Conversations inbox

  • Connect with prospects

  • View and access your Opportunities

  • Manage your Calendars and Appointments

  • Manage your Contacts

  • Manage Review Requests

  • Get dashboard reporting

  • And Lots more....

Paid Ads Lead Generation

For new flooring businesses or a business that has not yet built up a mailing list or a website that is attracting visitors and requiring a fast boost in sales, it may be worth considering a paid ads campaign which can generate interest fast.

we will always firstly attempt to convert your current website visitors into customers and reactivate your current client base where possible, this is the best value marketing that can be achieved.

But, there is a place for paid ads and depending on your business circumstances, it may be the best solution for you.

Grow Your Flooring Business With Our Free Guide

Learn The 4 Proven Marketing Systems Flooring Businesses Can Use To Achieve 25% Growth Or More In The Next 12 Months.

  • Reputation Mastery: Build trust and credibility effortlessly with strategies that elevate your brand reputation

  • Retargeting Precision: Strategically re-engage and convert potential customers, maximizing your marketing ROI

  • Reach Excellence: Expand your market presence and connect with a broader audience for business growth.

  • Resell Power: Turn satisfied customers into loyal advocates, ensuring repeat business and increased revenue.

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